Peter's Nostalgia Site

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Welcome to Peter Scott's site.   Hit the main headings or scroll down to find specific topics.  

This site covers some of my interests but is principally dedicated to the 

SS Jaguar motor car, the first Marconi/EMI television receivers and the Emitron Camera                                      






Engine Overhaul EMI Pre-war Televisions Simplified Description
Gearbox Overhaul Cathode Ray Tubes Tilt & Bend
SU Starting Carburetter Performance of EMI Televisions Emitron Control System
Rear Axle Overhaul Schematics & Layouts History
Eliminating Vibration Production Changes
Toe-In Adjustment Frequency Changer Ch3 to Ch1  
Wire Wheel Rebuilding Generating 405 & 240 line Signals  
Power & Speed Berlin Olympic Television 1936  
Valve Timing Berlin Radio Exhibition 1936  
Straight Eight Radiolympia 1936  
First Owner Science Museum Television Exhibition 1937  
Sterner Stuff Demonstration Film 1937  
Science Museum Model Demonstration Film 1946  
Jaguar & The Gas Meter Manufacturing Dates of 1st Generation Sets  
LED Lighting Wireless World Test of HMV 901  
Fitting a Radio & Heater EMI 405 line Waveforms  
Meet the Cousins Baird 240 Line Waveforms  
SS & XK Engines Acquiring an HMV 901  
Making Parts Viewer Reactions  
SS Jaguar v. MG SA Standards Conversion  
MG SA Engine & Rear Axle Alexandra Palace  
SS Jaguar Road Test Alexandra Palace Aerial System  
Bentley Road Test J.L. Baird & Baird Television Limited  
The Automobile Engineer 1937 Baird Receiver Development  
Artist Licence    
SS Jaguar v. Derby Bentley    
Jaguar Mk5 v. Bentley Mk6    
Jaguar Mascot    
65 Years Performance Difference    



his page was last updated on 15-Jul-2023.

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